Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What a fantastic day I had--I feel so grateful!

I write this a a kind of prayer, being grateful for what is, as well as the possibilities of what could be. By writing what I hope will happen in the present tense, and celebrating as if it is really happening, I become like a magnet to draw to me circumstances which can support this reality in happening. I do, however, acknowledge that I have an all knowing Creator-God who knows better than I do what the big picture is, and what is best for me and the world. I ask you right now to guide me in this process, and to let everything be adjusted for the highest good of all.

First I want to celebrate what I am really grateful for--these things really happened: I am so grateful that I now can use my friends' car in trade for important work that they need doing--so I am so much more free! I am grateful that I am feeling a part of various groups, and that my organizational skills are valued and acknowledged. I am so glad that I am healthy. I went to bed at about 11:30 and woke up raring to go at 4:30. I feel overjoyed that I have the ability to organize my day and my life, so that when I want to accomplish something, I don't get overwhelmed.

I am also very happy that we found a faculty sponsor for the Students for Ron Paul at U of A, and I was the one who found him!

Okay, here is what I am looking forward to happening.

I am so excited! I was able to check off everything that I wrote down in my daytimer that I wanted to do. Everything just flowed-I called people at just the right time so we could have a good talk; I found my blue tooth so I was able to talk for long periods on the phone and work at the same time. I got the motor home I just moved into all cleaned up and organized. I ate only when I was hungry, and only healthy food at that! I felt peaceful and joyful all day--except of course for those times when I chose to grieve when I heard or thought about people suffering in the world--even then, the feeling is of peace--mixed with a yearning to really make a difference.

I was so happy to be able to figure out how to blog and follow the directions for the www.pauldaily.com

I was even able to figure out how to listen to cd's while I was working on the yard I was cleaning up. I got my garden all planted (bermuda out!) and got caught up on all my emails and computer work! Now that was a real miracle. I remembered all the little details that make my life so much easier. Robert and I got along great, and I remembered to attend my conference call. (for some reason, conference call appointments are hard to remember. I made a wonderful proposal for the button business, and I did a great job presenting it. My organizational business blog just flowed and now it is full of great resources and advice. I got the proposal made for Denise about using her car, and we're all set on that.
Even though I didn't see my kids much, I felt connected and happy as I know that they are playing together--so great to have a grown kid now who can keep an eye on Mahriyanna as well as be like a best friend. My bruise and cut from yesterday (yikes--two wounds in one day--that is a lot for me) are healing, and I feel no pain. I was given all kinds of healthy food, and felt very satisfied.

Now I want to go into the future one week from now:

I am so excited! I paid all my bills, including the mortgage, because of donations and payments for my work. I am all caught up--what a relief! The fifth wheel has sold, and we got the $16,900 we wanted for it! Wow, it went so quick--it was an incredible experience. Robert and I have worked out a budget and we are going to spend this so wisely!

Because I am eating so well, every day I sleep less. The extra two hours are making a huge difference. Someone decided to donate to me the money for the button maker, so I don't have any more debt and I am off and running in my business which helps activists and others to network and connect through conversation starters such as buttons, t shirts, backpack bumperstickers, patches and hats. T shirts with a message are great--now I want people to have the opportunity to wear vests with a message--they can change the buttons and messags depending on wear they are going and what message they want to get out. I am excited that people are so responsive to this idea of making our daily lives count--every moment is an opportunity to talk about meaningful things.

The community gathering went great! With all the calls I made, emails sent, and word of mouth that went out--we had 100 people who all had a great time! So many wonderful connections were made, and I even got $200 from donations. I decided to put out a donation can, and people gave generously. I can make a living doing this!

I had a great time at the Habitat for Humanity walk--hosting the refreshment table was so rewarding--so much gratitude--and another free meal! Wow! I feel so grateful that right now i can live in Fayetteville and build community here.

I am really, really happy because I was able to talk to all the people I had little conflicts with, and get them straightened out. Now I have a total commitment to myself and everyone not to complain about others behind their backs. I am really happy that now I am well on my way to succeeding in this very important goal.

Okay, now for the really big news! Because of all my blogging and sending out of really good information about so many things, and my good work with the local meetup group, someone has decided to be my patron, and for the next year totally support me by giving me $2000 living expenses, and $2000 expense account. And I am free to make as much money as I want with the new business I am starting where people network all the time with their button vests and such. This frees me up so much! I cry when I think about the relief I feel. Now I can totally dedicate my time to supporting the community gathering movement and the Ron Paul movement, which I consider to be one and the same--all for freedom and abundance! And self-reliant, thriving neighborhoods!

I feel so happy because in the midst of all this activity, I build community and deepen my connections with my family. My children are doing so great, and following their dreams, and I am helping them! I am a facilitator of healing in both of my neighborhoods, and I feel so grateful that my prayers for reconciliation have been answered.

One year from now:

Every neighborhood in the world now has a Community Gathering, and we have an interconnected web of neighborhoods and people who are expressing the freedom that has always been theirs but they didn't know it.

Praise God! Thank you Jesus!

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